A.I. Has Come For Rock Music Now With Kurt Cobain Singing “Black Hole Sun”, “Creep”, And More

It was just last week that this version of an A.I. generated Biggie Smalls rapping Nas’ “NY State Of Mind” blew our minds-

Shit went lunar and for good reason.

It’s the first A.I. produced “song” that’s been as good if not better than the original, and first time I’ve considered, “hey, maybe these neural net processor, learning computers, might be good for something other than enslaving the human race.” (But probably not.)

Now today comes news, and material, of the nerds throwing the also dearly departed, Kurt Cobain, into the algorithm machine.

And again, I’m conflicted. But for different reasons.

To start, that version of “Black Hole Sun” sounds horrible to me. 

1- because it sounds nothing like Cobain to me. For starters, you can understand him. Doesn’t this idiot artificial intelligence understand you could never make out more than one or two words per verse that Cobain sang? Here, he’s annunciating more clearly than a Midwest TV anchor. Sounds weird.

And 2- at the risk of continuing to repeat myself, STOP FIXING SHIT THAT’S NOT BROKE!

“Black Hole Sun” is one of the best alternative rock songs of all time. Chris Cornell had one of the greatest singer voices in the history of humans. Ever. Why even attempt to fuck with this song?

There are people on social flaming my caption saying this is terrible. Which is fine. I respect everybody else’s opinions. But to those people I ask you to please listen to Cornell inside and out this week. Even his solo stuff- I’ll post in the p.s. below for you- and then get back to me.

All of the Cobain A.I. stuff isn’t “meh” though. To me, this version of Radiohead’s “Creep” sounds fucking awesome. And Cobain is perfect on it.

And here’s one I’m torn on, Foo Fighters’ “Everlong”. 

And since we’re on the subject of Cobain, I know I’m just the token nut job conspiracy theorist around here, but if you haven’t seen the Kurt Cobain documentary “Soaked In Bleach”, it’s on Peacock now and you gotta watch it.

A private investigator Tom Grant from Seattle peels back a ton of layers of the case that make zero sense. Especially the crime scene itself where Cobain allegedly used a shotgun to shoot him self after injecting more than three times the lethal dosage of heroin into himself.

Grant was actually hired by Courtney Love when Cobain went missing from an LA rehab facility to track him down. Her stories and shit were so contradictory and made no sense that he became suspicious after Cobain’s death. During his investigation he realized just how badly Seattle police dropped the ball during their investigation. Between Love’s inconsistencies, Cobain’s closest friends and family claiming he would never kill himself, and that he was trying to divorce love, Seattle PD never looking at her for motive, or looking into whether his “suicide note” was forged, which many claim it was, raises ton of suspicion. Great flick and really well done.

If you miss how Cobain really sounded, enjoy-

Let me know your thoughts on all this down below.

And as promised above-

P.s.- Cornell’s best -

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