The "Godfather" Of Artificial Intelligence Says To "SHUT IT DOWN"


Fucking A, man. Every single day there is a new headline that is screaming about the dangers of AI. Elon has said to shut it down. Many have echoed that. There's been two other blogs on Barstool today alone about AI that scared the shit out of me. Now we've got the man who basically created it quitting Google and telling us to shut down all of AI before it destroys humanity. Call me crazy, but I think we should listen to him. Nobody, in theory, knows more about AI than this dude (that's honestly a guess. I'd have to ask ChatGPT if that's true to get the right answer) and if he says to shut it down before Earth goes full Terminator then maybe we should do it. I was honestly fine back in like 2015. Internet was fast. I had a smartphone to look shit up and tweet nonsense. Instagram had filters, but I feel like they just made things black and white if you wanted instead of fundamentally changing how a person looked. This guy Geoff Hinton sounds an awful lot like the guys who invented the nuclear bomb. Once the toothpaste was out of the tube we couldn't go back. 

This has got me to thinking...when do we think the world actually "peaked"? Feels like there is no good answer. I am looking for a time where food was healthy, money was sound, technology was more helpful than destructive, people had morals, social justice was important and recognized, there was general peace time, and most families had two parents. Was there ever a period in history that approached those things or at least had most of them? Why don't we ask AI to design our societal rules and THEN shut it down. We can't seem to figure it out on our own. 

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