White Boy Stunner: Chet Hanx Trolled The Entire Yak Crew On Today's Show

For some quick context: 

Today on the Yak someone brought up Chet Hanx's current Instagram story about the healing power of talking to himself on a solo hike:

I get it, by the way, I mutter to myself like a lunatic every time I go late night grocery shopping. 

Anyways, as we discussed his post, Nick Turani mentioned that he still had Chet Hanx's personal phone number thanks to the California episode of Rediscovering America. To commemorate their trip, Nick, Donnie & KB filmed a music video for their smash hit, Dragonfly Sinner, and had paid $2,500.00 for Chet to do a feature in which he says exactly two words ("It's Chet"). Since Nick was responsible for Zelle'ing Chet for those 2 words, he had his number. (You can enjoy this for yourself at minute 01:24 in the video below):

Naturally, once Big Cat had this information he immediately demanded Nick call Chet live on the show, and boyyyy did he get all of us good. 

An absolute classic voicemail dupe. The old, 

Yo! What's up?! …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………SIIIIIIIIIIKE!!!!!!

Guy had the patience to wait a solid 4.2 seconds in silence before the "sike", and every. single. one of us fell for it. Pure dedication and I would expect nothing less. We got such a kick out of it that Big Cat called him several more times so we could hear it again, which I think made Nick want to die. 

Speaking of, Ray Romano was also on today's episode when he popped in after an interview with Lights, Camera, Barstool (his movie Somewhere in Queens comes out tomorrow) and once again Big Cat made someone want to die, but it was me. Within 10 seconds of Ray entering the room Big Cat managed to ask him if he'd ever caught his own twin sons kissing each other. 

I'm the kind of person who has to change the channel during awkward moments on TV & covers my ears during intense interview moments on podcasts so it might seem whatever to someone else, but this sent me spiraling through every shade of red. 

See it all on today's Yak so you don't need my rambling context, and also enjoy Brandon Walker quitting again right off the bat. We're live every Monday - Friday at 1pm ET and always looking for more Yakkers to join the crew. Like & subscribe! 

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