The New York Islanders Committed A Cardinal Sin--They Pissed Off Rod Brind'Amour

Josh Lavallee. Getty Images.

When you first get into the NHL, they give you a little handbook of all the rules you should follow. It's one page long. In fact, there's only one rule written in there. The rule states that "you should never piss off Rod Brind'Amour. You won't like Rod Brind'Amour when he's pissed off". 

As long as you follow that rule, your life and career in the NHL should be fine. Not saying there won't be any hitches along the way, but all things considered you should be able to make it out of there alive. 

The New York Islanders broke that rule last night when they broke Teuvo Teravainen's hand. 

Now let's go back to that moment real quick and see this tomahawk chop that Rod the Bod is talking about here. 

If you guys can keep a secret, then I'll tell you that I'm not sure if I'd necessarily consider that to be a tomahawk chop. It's definitely a whack, for sure. But the combination of the whack from Pageau's stick and Teravainen's hand firing forward on that shot probably made the impact a lot worse. With that being said…I'd never in a million years say that to Rod Brind'Amour. Because the last thing I'd ever want is to find myself on the wrong side of a dude who looks like this. 

Bruce Bennett. Getty Images.

The man looks like a brown haired Ivan Drago. It's like he was created in a lab somewhere. Only thing is there are no test tubes or beakers in the lab. It's nothing but barbells and 45lb plates. Rod the Bod is a freak. He's 52-years-old and still looks like an Avenger. 

New York already found themselves in an uphill battle having to climb out of this 2-0 series hole. But now that they have to deal with a furious Rod the Bod? Good fuckin' luck. You might as well start booking those trips to Turks & Caicos for April 25th. 

Sidenote: I think we've gone through enough years of everybody calling Jaccob Slavin one of the most underrated defensemen in hockey for him to no longer be considered underrated. But holy shit what a stud this guy is. Filthy stuff here. 


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