Power Ranking The Couples Likeliness To Say "I Do" In The Love Is Blind Season 4 Finale

Season 4 of Love is Blind has been a fantastic rollercoaster with new twists at every turn and this Friday is the conclusion. They were released in drops with Episodes 9-11 being made available last Friday and ending with an unreal cliffhanger. Chelsea and Kwame are at the alter. Seemingly one of the more stable couples, but Kwame had been getting cold feet, and said as much on their wedding day. Chelsea said "I do" and they cut to Kwame before ending the episode. So this blog will power rank the couples likeliness to say those magical words and commit to each other for a lifetime. 

Let's start with 5:

5) Jackie and Marshall

They're broken up. She didn't show up to her wedding dress fitting appointment and chose to instead go on a date with her other love interest from the pods, Josh. She ended things right after with Marshall, but refused to give the ring back. Jackie is a menace with A TON of baggage. Future partners beware.

4) Micah and Paul

There are too many moving pieces with these two (no pun intended). They have no idea where they'll live as Micah apparently splits time between Seattle and Arizona? Paul seems to need to be in person for his job, so moving could mean a job change which isn't the easiest thing to do. Micah did make it clear she wasn't super stoked about living at Paul's bachelor pad with mismatched couches he picked up for free off the side of the road.

There is also the whole Micah flirting with Kwame aspect that has come up again. But the biggest blocker is that Paul is very analytical. He's a scientist and he doesn't Trust the Data on making a lifelong decision with so little information on his partner.

In the trailer, Micah also says she'll let Paul say yes/no first, so I feel like he'll be the no. I do think they move forward as a couple though.

3) Chelsea and Kwame

Chelsea already said yes, so we're halfway home, but Kwame was talking about his cold feet and I'm not sure he'll be able to come out from under his mom's thumb. 

His mom does not approve of him both getting married so quickly and also getting married outside of the culture. However, Kwame's brother and sister came to the wedding and support his decision with Chelsea, whatever that may be. 

But I think Kwame's doubts are real and legitimate. Outside of his mom's views, Kwame must fully move from Portland, which is about three hours away. He's giving up a bachelor life of playing soccer 4-5 times/week, playing a ton of xbox, and sleeping on his couch. He's clearly not very comfortable walking Chelsea's dog three times/day and being home alone 7am-7pm. In fact, Kwame's cold feet has resulted in him lashing out at Chelsea for seemingly very insignificant things.

I have high hopes for this couple as I think Chelsea is one of the more level-headed people on the show, but I also see too many issues that could prevent Kwame's "I do" response. I do however think they'll stay together after the altar. 

2) Bliss and Zack

These two were late to the party as Zack originally proposed to Irina only to break it off after a couple days. He miraculously rekindled things with Bliss who gives him exactly the right amount of guff for not choosing her to begin with. But these two seem to be fully on the marriage track. 

There is an obstacle in the fact that Bliss' dad was quite clear in the fact that he does not give his blessing on this marriage and does not think it's a good idea at all. 

Bliss seems very level headed and gave some good rebuttals for her Dad's concerns. And Bliss' mom seemed pretty on board with her daughter's decision and even offered to be Zack's mom assuming things went through. 

While this is really soon, I think this couple is ready to move into the next phase of their life. They're no spring chickens and they seem to genuinely love each other. I think these two say "I do".

1) Tiffany and Brett 

Netflix is trying to stir up some drama showing Brett in the trailer saying "there should be no surprises" and showing both of them being emotional, but these two saying yes and getting married is probably something like -2000. They are both in their mid-thirties, both seem very mature, both have supporting families, and they share a real love.

I know there have been successful couples in this show's history, but I don't think any couple's foundation is as strong and solid as Brett and Tiffany's. These two are saying yes at the altar and living happily ever after.

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