I Got To Interview My All Time Favorite Band This Week

At 9:45am on Monday morning (hours before the Barstool office even opens), I checked another thing off my bucket list; I finally got the chance to interview Alex, Jack, Zack, and Rian from All Time Low all together.

All Time Low has been my favorite band since their album 'Nothing Personal' dropped in 2009, and my first band was even practically an All Time Low cover band called 'The Party Scene', which is just the name of their first record. 

Here's a video of us butchering Dear Maria at my birthday party in 7th grade….

If you're wondering why our drummer is about a decade older than the rest of us, it's because our drummer didn't actually show up and my brother had to fill in. Typical drummers.

I've been to something like 14 or 15 All Time Low shows over the years, truly love ALL of their albums, and wear their merch in my content all the time - which is actually how/why I met the guys in the first place! Some friends of the band noticed I was always wearing All Time Low shirts in Barstool Insta stories, reached out, and said "Let us know if you ever want to come out to a show!"

Now, keep in mind - this is my ALL TIME favorite band. I see them every single time they come to NY/NJ, and will gladly travel further to see em if I have to. That DM was like saying to me, "Let us know if you ever want a trillion dollars!"

Long story short - I started going to more and more shows, and finally met the guys; and since then I've developed a great friendship with these dudes who were literally my heroes growing up. 

Rian (the drummer) and Jack (the guitar player) have both been in the Basement before in solo appearances, but I've never had the opportunity to sit down with the whole band for an interview all at once until this week. 

We went an hour and easily could've gone two or three, just breaking down their latest album, 'Tell Me I'm Alive' track-by-track. There were so many cool tidbits, interesting tricks of the trade, and funny stories mixed in throughout, and the band even teased a deluze version of the record coming soon!

Give it a listen if you're into that sorta thing, and give their new album a listen regardless of what kinda music you like - it bangs.

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