A Man Finds A Missing Giant Red Spoon From Dairy Queen While Playing Pokemon Go, Which Begs The Question Who The Hell Still Plays Pokemon Go

Bloomberg. Getty Images.

PHOENIX (AP) — A giant red spoon that was stolen from an Arizona Dairy Queen and sparked a mystery on social media was found Monday morning, and it’s partly thanks to Pokémon GO.

Michael Foster, 52, was playing the outdoor mobile game when he spotted the 15-foot (4.5-meter) spoon around 7 a.m. It was lying on the ground behind a fence that surrounds a Phoenix middle school baseball field, just 2 miles (3 kilometers) from the scene of the heist.

“The first thing I did was send a picture to my wife and I said, ‘It’s the spoon.’ She said call the police,” Foster told The Associated Press.

“I can confirm the Dairy Queen ‘red spoon’ was located and recovered this morning,” Sgt. Brian Bower said in an email Monday.

Detectives are continuing to search for the suspects who took the spoon, he added. Police are encouraging the public to submit any tips. A school maintenance man came over and pushed it over the fence to Foster, who handed it to Phoenix police.

“I set it down. They actually did the lifting after we got it over the fence,” Foster said. “They strapped it to the top of a police cruiser.”

Foster said nobody else was around and the school was just opening when he saw it.

“I did kind of look around and was like ‘What?’ One guy did finally come by and was like, ‘Is that what I think it is?’ Yeah, that’s the spoon,” Foster said.

A lot to unpack here. The "prank" of taking a big spoon is relative funny. Is stealing wrong yes, but young people (or maybe drunk people in this case as the thieves were never identified) are dumb and do dumb things on a whim. My friend in college swiped the dollar menu board from McDonalds and every time we went in his room someone commented about it like it was a badge of honor. So I am not necessarily looking to put these thieves away for life. 

That may change for some people when they realize how much the cost of the spoon was to replace. 

Owners Raman and Puja Kalra said last week that they hoped to get it back. Getting another spoon made, delivered and then installed would cost over $7,000. They even resorted to creative strategies such as printing T-shirts for staff that said “Where’s My Spoon?”

Also objectively hilarious that a town would start wearing “where’s my spoon?” T shirts like the families in Homeward Bound rallying to find a lot dog. Also feel like the longer it went on, the more ridiculous the shirt becomes. Imagine it’s like 6 weeks from now , it’s laundry day and you run into someone who asks what in the hell your T shirt means ? Probably enough to make people toss the shirts in embarrassment and stop caring about the spoon. 

Back to the thieves . I do think it was kids because any real thief would have gone through with the act. The kids probably did it on a whim , and ditched the spoon when they realized they could get caught , or it was heavy, or the thrill was over. 

The real kicker here is the guy who solved this caper did it by playing Pokémon Go. 

Excuse me ? 

Did he also get an alert on his beeper ?

Did he sign in to AOL and make an away message about his findings ? 

He might as well send a carried pigeon. 

Pokémon Go. That’s still a thing ? 

Absolutely insane to admit that, or that people still play that fad that lasted literally a week. When the cops asked him how he found the spoon it would have (in my opinion) been a better answer to say he stole it himself than admit he found it playing Pokémon Go. Honestly I don’t know how the officers kept a straight face, or didn’t lock him up for being so out of touch with reality. 

This may keep me up at night. We still have people playing Pokémon Go walking this earth. What a scene. 

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