Uhhhhh What The FUCK Just Happened In Last Night's Episode Of Succession?!?

Very well said Kerry, even if the "I just caught a foul ball at Yankee Stadium" grin was a bit off-putting given the circumstances. I can't blame you however considering you report tragedies in the news with the same gusto. The actress that plays Gerri also said it perfectly.

As did the Los Angeles Times, who ran a story for Logan Roy right after his "passing" before his fictional body was even cold.

More than 12 hours later and I still can't believe Succession hit us with a series-changing curveball not seen since...welllllll pretty much every Game of Thrones wedding episode. If you are going to a wedding in an epic HBO series, you are probably going to have a bad time. Here are some quick thoughts on last night's episode as my brain tries to continue to process Logan being dead and how the little civil conflict (h/t UConn) over the GoJo deal is about to turn into a full blown civil war over, wait for it, succession!

- HBO tweeting this out right before shit was about to hit every single blade of the fan was diabolical.

As the conductor of the #Shivwagon, I couldn't have been prouder of her silencing her soon to be ex husband twice. Turns out Tom was just trying to get in touch with his wife regardless of their estrangement so she could say goodbye to her dad, which I have to say was a very touching moment despite me praying and parying for Theme Park Boy's downfall following this moment.

Giphy Images.

- While we are talking Tom, there is nothing part of me would love more than for Greg to completely ignore the orders Tom gave him and leave that Logistics folder right on the hard drive because you infamously cannot make a Tomlette without cracking any Gregs. But damn those Midwestern values came out in full force by showing compassion to the kids as their father died, regardless of the business power moves they were pulling on each other.

- I think anybody who has ever lost someone as abruptly as the kids lost Logan can confirm just how accurate that whirlwind of emotions was, even if you didn't have to complex relationship of having a relative pass that is the reason for pretty much all the good and bad things in your life like Kendall, Shiv, and Roman did that led to those complex goodbyes. Just an absolute tour de force of acting and writing that will probably end with a bukakke of Emmys (Sorry, I had to channel my inner-Roman to hammer the point home).

- I can't lie, I was alternating between the kids who accepted Logan was dead and Roman who was holding out hope that those chest compressions were still going to keep him alive after roughly 5000 pushes as we all went through the stages of grief together, at least until Kendall started throwing business buzz words around like he always does. Shout out to the flight attendant that must have biceps of steel for being able to pump another humans chest for that long.

- These tweet about Logan Roy going out the way he did really hit hard.

Suddenly I realized that taking my kids to Disney and unplugging from this job on vacation for the first time in my life was probably the right move for both me and my family. Call your parents today and tell them you love them if you are lucky enough to still have them around. Also try to avoid to ask if they are a cunt if it goes to voicemail just in case.

- I am ashamed that it took me this long to congratulate the true king of Logan's children on what should have been the happiest day of his life, even if it likely wasn't the happiest day for his new wife and Connor's wedding getting completely overshadowed by his dad dying 30,000 feet above the ground hundreds of miles away while his siblings basically forgot to tell him and he was reliving the childhood trauma of looney cake was oddly the perfect centerpiece for a Connor wedding storyline.

If there is a God, the sympathy of his dad dying will cause Connor to crack that 1% of voters, which will end with him singing Desperado at a karaoke bar with his family as Willa adoringly watches. If you aren't a Connor fan, you flat out don't have a heart or an appreciation for comedy.

- I don't know what the hell is going to happen next, but I can't wait to see how it unfolds. Not only the power grab attempts from the kids but also from Karl, Geri, Frank, and Hugo. Hopefully Colin lands on his feet too because this look on his face was devastating.

- I may not know what's going to happen next but I know how it's all going to end up. With Shiv sitting on the throne like (5 YEAR OLD SPOILER ALERT) Bran Stark. CHOO CHOOOOOO!!!!!

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