A Passenger Took Video Out the Window of a Plane and, Yup. That's a Tic Tac UFO, Alright.

I think I can say without fear of contradiction, that the UFO encounter that US Navy Lt. Cmdr. David Fravor reported having off the coast of San Diego in 2004 is now the most famous sighting other than Roswell, 1947. As a source, he is credible to the point of being unimpeachable. His experience was backed up by the most sophisticated aerial tracking technology on the planet. His story was reported with all seriousness by the NY Times, making it the first such reporting done by a mainstream media outlet. And this video above, of Cmdr. Fravor discussing it three years ago on the number one podcast in existence is up to 2.5 million views. 

And in doing so, he brought the idea of a Tic Tac-shaped UAP into the international discussion of the phenomena. After decades of reports of saucer-shaped UFOs, triangular ones like the famous Phoenix Lights, and the less common but still widely spotted cigar-shaped objects, Tic Tacs have become the shape of preference for whomever and whatever is in our skies and messing with our Top Guns. 

Which brings us to this latest piece of evidence:

UFO Sightings Daily - Seen from passenger jet, Eyewitness states: On Saturday March 11, 2023, I was flying south over central California on Southwest Airlines 2463 from Sacramento Airport (SMF) to San Diego (SAN). I was seated in the window seating, on the left side in the middle of the plane, right behind the left wing. About halfway through our flight, I was looking out the window and saw a tic tac ufo in the distance traveling perpendicular to us. It was a white cylinder craft, with no wings, windows, markings, or discernible features. It was a smooth white cylinder with no visible means of propulsion or exhaust, plumes. The tic tac ufo was in the distance a few miles from us. It was moving in a constant path. There was nothing remarkable about it - it didn't move fast, or hover, it was just moving at a constant speed and disappeared soon into the clouds. It was a few degrees above our plane, so at a similar altitude. And was northwest of our plane's orientation (note the plane is heading south). I saw the tic tac's side and it was traveling perpendicular to us towards the plane (so it was traveling west). I recorded it on my phone with a video for about 18 seconds before the tic tac disappeared into a cloudbank.

There's not a lot to add here that the video evidence doesn't say better than words ever could. Let's concede that this unnamed airline passenger isn't a highly trained Navy pilot in command of a squadron of multi-million dollar combat aircraft. But at the same time, let's also admit that no one climbs onboard a flight from Sacramento to San Diego carrying the equipment necessary to fake a UFO encounter. Hell, Disney just fired the head of special effects for all the Marvel movies because her department couldn't pull off this level of realism. 

And bear in mind, this passenger was on a Southwest flight. Meaning that she was just hoping to make it to San Diego with her sanity intact. Between the shrieking infants, emotional support animals and worst fellow passengers in the unfriendly skies:

The last thing on anyone's mind is pulling off some deepfake hoax in order to get some anonymous internet notoriety. Why would she have to, when in 2023 it's just much, much easier to point your camera out the window at any of the Tic Tac UFOs flying around and press "record"?  Skeptics like Neil DeGrasse Tyson love to say, "If UFOs are here and everyone's carrying a phone, where's the evidence?" Here it is. And the more we see, the harder it will be to deny they are most definitely out there.

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