It Turns Out The Person KJ Osborn Helped Save From That Burning Car Last Week Was Nelson From MTV's The Challenge, Who Shared Photos Of His Horrific Injuries From The Hospital

Rico blogged this story last week and I think we were all pretty impressed with the heroism displayed by KJ & Co. to run towards a car fire. To be honest, I didn't do a deep dive into everything but I figured one of the people smiling in the picture was the person that was saved from the wreckage.

Turns out I was very wrong because Nelson Thomas from MTV's The Challenge posted this last night, which was a wild addition to this whole story.

Jeeeeeeesus, simply horrific stuff. Back when we used to do No Quitters, Nelson was always one of our favorites because he was always so positive, even if it came at a complete detriment to his game. He would cut a promo or make an alliance with someone, end up losing later that episode, but still be upbeat like a puppy. So to see that someone with that type of outlook on life was saved from a serious accident kinda reaffirms your faith in whatever we are doing while riding this big blue marble around the sun.

So here's to Nelson getting better and being ready to compete whenever the next Challenge is since he has become a fixture on the show and deserves to get some love in person from our guy TJ Lavin.

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