Nevada Does Not Give A Damn About Being The Last Team In The NCAA Tournament Or Your Opinion Of It

I saw this video and debated blogging it, but fuck it. It's March. This video is everything that's awesome about Selection Sunday from a player standpoint and a program standpoint. You go through this long ass season, you hear everything about NET and different rankings and bracketology. Then you have 3-4 days to win your conference tournament and get rid of any doubt.

Except only 32 teams have the conference championship. 32 teams know 100% they are in. Now sure there are obvious at-larges but only 32 teams go into the selection show knowing their name will be called. Hell, just focusing on Nevada here. Everyone thought they were out the moment they lost to San Jose State in the MWC Tournament. Then they get their name called and this happens.

Call me soft, call me old, whatever. I love seeing teams firmly on the bubble going batshit crazy when their name is called. Celebrate whatever. Who cares? They are literally the last time in: 

That's the last at-large bid. No one will care though because you made it.You're on the bracket (basically) even if you're going to Dayton. But this reaction? This is what makes college basketball the best. It's the only sport where you have this sort of selection process. I know college football has their little selection show now, but we all know who the 4 teams are. Rarely are we surprised. That's why a video like this hits every single year. 

Nothing beats March. Nothing. 

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