Gus Johnson Describing The Kind Of Viewer He's Thinking About While He's Broadcasting Is The Coolest Thing You'll Watch Today

This is awesome. The clip is five minutes, but I highly recommend watching the entire thing.

I'll admit, I haven't always been the biggest Gus Johnson fan. His enthusiasm can sometimes feel like it's bordering on being too much and like it's overwhelming a broadcast, but this one video has honestly almost completely changed my opinion of him. Hearing where that kind of passion comes from makes it extremely difficult to not enjoy it.

And I'll take that genuine passion 11 times out of 10 — even if you think it gets to be a little too much sometimes — over someone calling a game almost formulaically. You can tell who really loves doing a job like that and who's just following the playbook they received at Syracuse or Missouri.

I promise I will never get even the slightest bit perturbed at a Gus Johnson call ever again after watching this video. He seems like an awesome guy who is truly thinking about the fans that make sports so great to begin with.

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