"The Last Of Us" Is The Worst Show On TV

Beata Zawrzel. Shutterstock Images.

To clarify that admittedly click burglarly headline, I actually believe that "The Last Of Us" is the best show on TV, which I consider any show that is currently running new episodes every week. Everything I've heard about the quality of the game as well as the show from critics has been dead on balls accurate (It's an industry term).

HOWEVAH, "The Last Of Us" is also the worst show on TV because it constantly makes you fall in love with a character then rips your heart out of your chest by killing said character, usually in the same episode. We saw it with Joel's daughter Sarah in episode 1, Tess in episode 2, my sweet Bill and Frank in episode 3, as well as Henry and Sam in episode 5. Some people considered episode 4 a bye week for getting emotionally gutted but I personally fell in love with the pickup truck in episode 4 since I thought that bad boy was going to get us all the way to Wyoming, which of course ended in tragedy.

All this heartbreak has gotten to the point where I actually prefer the creepy scenes in the dark where I am worried about infected monsters jump scaring me over the peaceful scenes that somehow end with one of my favorite characters dying. I also say that as a huuuuuge pussy that watches those scary scenes with the volume damn near on mute as I read the close captions through my fingers on my face to figure out what sounds are being made.

I've never done any sort of hard drugs, but I imagine "The Last Of Us" is the TV version of them. It makes you feel good before making you feel awful, but you know you are just going to keep going back for more no matter what because you feel so damn awesome in the moment while using/watching them. Actually this sneakily resembles my eating habits, so I guess watching "The Last Of Us" is like eating a bunch of snacks and/or fast food.

I got into this goddamn show because Robbie Fox said it would be good for us to recap on My Mom's Basement and I figured anything in the 9 PM Sunday night holy grail time slot on HBO was worth a shot. But damn if I'm not a little mad at Bob Fox for causing me to enter an even deeper state of depression every Sunday night at 10 before the work week begins.

Giphy Images.

It's always the quiet ones that get you…

Anyway, Robbie and I talked a bunch about the latest episode of "The Last Of Us" just like we do every week on My Mom's Basement along with our thoughts on trailers for The Flash and Guardians Of The Galaxy 3.

I also have to shout out my go-to guy for YouTube recaps of all things nerdy named Heavy Spoilers. He has the perfect blend of deep dive knowledge as well as humor that has given me so many insights on The Last Of Us, the MCU, and so much more.

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