Clemson Basketball Player Hops On Instagram To Explain He's Out The Next Couple Games Because His Balls Were Exploding. Seriously.

Good God. I always thought a broken kneecap or something like that sounded like the worst injury. Not saying it's the worst, just sounds the worst. But now it's exploding balls. No thank you. Imagine going down for a nice little morning snooze only to wake up and your balls are exploding and way too big. Immediate freakout. It's a miracle he didn't have an anxiety attack while also having exploding balls. 

Unbelievable content here though. A+ move to go on Instagram from the hospital. Get ahead of the story before someone just tweets it out. That said, Brevin Galloway is going to look back on this and 1) be in a shit ton of pain and 2) maybe regret this video when those drugs fall off. 

I mean, he's of one Clemson's best players and they are out here trying to win the ACC. Can't let exploding balls get in the way. But still, missing 2ish games because of that? I'd quit. I'd be out on a lot of things for a long time if my balls were exploding. Just no thank you in the slightest. Worst way to wake up from a nap without a doubt. 

Nailed that Go Tigers though. 

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