The AP Stylebook Now Lists 'The French' Among Dehumanizing Phrases To Avoid

It's a bad day to be a hater of the French people of French heritage. If you're trying to adhere to AP style, you are now strongly encouraged to refrain from referring to Parisians and their countrymen as "the French."

For those unfamiliar, the AP Stylebook is basically the nerd handbook for Big Js that tells you exactly how to write anything you'd need to know. Dates, locations, statistics, all that stuff. It also updates yearly to reflect changes in language and new things people may need to know how to write in stories, which brings us to the attempted elimination of "the French."

Now the other ones on that list, fine. I don't necessarily see how "the college-educated" is all that bad or why "people with mental illnesses" is any better than the alternative, but whatever. I absolutely will not, however, quit dehumanizing the French. I'm going to do it even harder and more intentionally now.

I'll play along with your little book, though. Is "Pepé Le Pews" specifically prohibited? What about "Frenchies?" I'll go so far the other way that "the French" sounds like a compliment.

I will never kowtow to those baguette-eating, self-righteous assholes. Fuck the French.

UPDATE: The AP deleted the original tweet. I assume this means we are free to resume using "the French" as we please.

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