George Santos Is OFFICIALLY The Worst Person In The World. He Is Accused Of Stealing $3000 From A Disabled Veteran's Dog With Cancer Who Then Died

A disabled military veteran has accused New York Congressman George Santos (R-N.Y.) of stealing money raised to save his dying service dog, according to a Tuesday report from, the latest charge leveled against the freshman lawmaker who admitted to fabricating large swaths of his resume and faces multiple investigations over his finances.

This story is like a mad libs for creating the absolute WORST person in the world. Every day that goes by his story gets worse and people are calling for him to resign or be impeached or whatever the procedure is for removing a guy who was the absolute bigger liar of all time. 

This is different though. This is a new level. Being removed from congress isn't enough. This guy needs to go straight to jail. Maybe even straight to like a Honduran jail. I want a full episode of locked up abroad featuring Santos because this is as bad as it gets and I am not sure we have time hard enough for him in America. 

Also, whoever he ran against is officially the WORST politician ever. Everytime you flip on the TV you are hit with some sort of negative campaign ad during the election cycle. Just 30-60 second hit pieces from your opponent trying to make you seem like the worst person in the world because you signed some obscure bill in 2005. Whoever ran against Santos, and I refuse to look up their name, apparently did ZERO research. No October surprise. Like opponent isn't Jewish, he didn't work on Wall St, he didn't go to that college on his resume...or high school, his mother didn't die in 9/11, he might not even be married to a gay man, but he DID steal money from a fake animal charity and let a veteran's dog die from cancer as a result. It's almost like you can't fit that all into a TV spot. Maybe that was the problem. His opponent couldn't afford enough time to detail out all his ridiculous lies. 

Don't worry though...they aren't putting him on any important committees so it's cool. 


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