Hungover Dude Saves A Little Kid From Wandering Into A Busy Street And Is Promptly Roasted In His Family Group Text

Holy shit that is scary. Anyone who has had a little kid knows they're slippery little bastards. It's like trying to keep track of a drunk friend at the end of the night. One minute they're sitting still and in the blink of an eye they're wandering directly into the most dangerous situation they can find. 

Thank god this dude's spidey senses starting tingling and he went full hero mode. I'm not even sure I would have noticed that kid at all but this guy knew something was wrong instantly. Which would be impressive enough except this overachiever pulled off this heroic act while hungover.

Ok, now I'm truly amazed. The guy is sitting there on New Year's morning eating breakfast and his head is probably still pounding from the cheap champagne at the end of the night (always an awful idea). My buddy Matt always says he likes to start his New Year at the absolute bottom with a paralyzing hangover. That way every year becomes its own comeback story.

Which is a perfectly fine approach if your New Year's day plans include brunch and college football. But I can't imagine sitting there with my pulse pounding in my temples like a shitty sound system in the back of a Honda Civic, trying not to throw up cheese eggs at the kitchen table in front of my mom, and all of a sudden I need to save a human being's life. Unreal.

I broke dry January last night with just two craft cocktails and my brain is running about as well as Darren Rovell shuffling down the field doing the 40 yard dash like he has a load of shit in his pants. 

My favorite part about the whole thing is his mom and aunt roasting him in the group text. Laughing at the fact he was wearing his favorite big leg jeans causing him to trip and cross check the stop sign like he trying to save a goal on a power play. And that's how you know this guy was BIG hungover. Who the fuck wears jeans the morning after drinking while they eat breakfast and try to get their life together?

I've had those types of hangovers where you can't even muster up the will to change your clothes for damn near 24 hours. You avoid all mirrors in the house because you can't stand to see the swollen-faced, bag-eyed person who did and said all those regrettable things last night. 

And yet, this guy can now look in the mirror and see a hero. A hungover hero who probably needs a little hair of the dog, but a hero just the same. 

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