A High School Basketball Team Tried To Add Their Friend To A Group Chat But The Number Was One Digit Off So They Accidentally Ended Up On FaceTime With The Entire Bucs Locker Room

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And that, my friends, is what you call a "core memory." One second you're sitting on the couch trying to add your buddy to a group chat and the next you're yucking up with Sean Murphy-Bunting, Rob Gronkowsi, and TOM BRADY on FaceTime...




If any of you can find the actual video send me a DM and I'll add it to the blog. I can't imagine any of those kids had the wherewithal to click record during the conversation, but you never know. Regardless, look at how excited these goobers were. You can see it in their eyes…




Good for them. I'd ask them what they talked about but there's a zero percent chance they remember. And because I kinda cucked this blog from Cheah, be sure to check out Trust The Data HERE. Thanks for reading and have a lovely Saturday.

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