PSA: The New (Better) NFL Overtime Rules Start Tomorrow And No One Is Allowed To Complain

A little PSA for everyone out there since it's easy to forget. The new NFL overtime rules start tomorrow and I for one am all for it. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't think it's insane to ask the defense to prevent a team from scoring a touchdown in order to get the ball back and keep the game going. BUT, I always thought it was somewhat bullshit you didn't get a chance to match the score because of a coin toss. 

We saw it with the Bills/Chiefs classic:

That game was awesome. Yet it felt weird that the Bills didn't get a chance to match. Again, I understand 'keep them out of the end zone.' But everyone says they like college football's overtime better because of the fact each team is guaranteed a shot. Now, I hate that college football starts in field goal range. Start at your own 20 or do a kickoff or something. And don't even get me started on the 2-point shootout college started. That sucks. 

At the minimum I like that this takes away complaining. No fanbase can bitch and moan about it anymore. You have a chance to match, go do it. That's arguably the biggest win of this all. No blaming a coin toss. No arguing about whether or not the team should have a chance to score after giving up a touchdown. It's now equal. 

Can't wait for the first game to have these and everyone get confused. Never forget. 

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