Gronk Had A Team Try And Lure Him Back By Offering Him #69, And Having Refs Announce “Player #69 Is An Eligible Receiver” Every Play

My question for the team in reference here (the Raiders), and the rest of the league, is what took you so long to think of this?

Doesn't anybody in the league have kids?

What's the first thing you do when you can't get a kid to do what you want them to do, no matter how hard you've tried? 

You bribe them with whatever it is you know will do the trick.

I don''t have kids, but I have a Godson. Who is an angel. Legit the most well-behaved, polite little kid I've ever seen since I was his age. But his little brother is a fucking demon. Total opposite of him. 

When he wants something, or just feels like creating anarchy, screaming at the top of his lungs, especially in public, there's pretty much nothing you wouldn't do to get him to stop. It's like negotiating with a terrorist.

I know many can relate. Which is why I don't get why it took so long for somebody in the league to wise-up in hopes to draw the greatest tight end to ever play the game back to the field.

Aside from this making Rob happier than all his Super Bowl rings, his pup Ralphie, and LMFAO reuniting, combined, I'm not sure we'd ever see this level of comedy on the pro-football field.

A referee having to declare over the PA system that "player #69 is checking in as eligible", while the camera pans over to Gronks face as he cackles and cracks himself up would be too funny for words.

I think by the third of fourth time doing it the refs would begin to break, and they wouldn't be able to say it with a straight face. Hilarity would ensue and you just know this would go straight up Roger Goodell's ass sideways. He'd squash it so fast our heads would spin because anything entertaining or fun can't exist in his league. But it'd be great while it lasted.

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