Probable Frat Pledge "Forgets" To Plug in Headphones While Watching Porn In Class
This college student decided to watch an adult video during one of his lectures. Unfortunately, he forgot to plug his headphones into his computer causing the moans from the video to echo throughout the classroom.
Whoaaaa, can you guys believe that happened, this kid totally accidentally forgot to plug his headphones in when he was firing up some hardcore porn in the middle of a lecture hall. Probably plugged it into that weird hole next to the headphones hole, always getting confused with that, am I right? Sucks that was his downfall. If only he had the sound muted, none of the dozens of rows of students behind him sitting basically directly on top of him would have noticed the 18 inch screen with HD porn on as long as it was on mute.
Don’t even understand how people could possibly think this was some sort of prank or something, a frat pledge freshman who had to do this or a guy filming the opening to his awesome new “prank” video. It’s like nobody has ever met a total sexual deviant and absolute degenerate before. Such a shame everyone is so jaded they can’t just believe a simple internet video anymore.
PS – Not to stereotype but this kid 100% sat outside the building, right next to the front door and chain smoked cigarettes after this prank.