Not To Be A Hater, But This Insane Hook And Ladder Play At The Last Second To Win A Minnesota High School State Title Was An Illegal Shift

Awesome play. Super exciting. One for the record books, right? 

Wrong. One for the rule books actually. Rule 7 Section 4 Article 7 to be exact. Five yard penalty, repeat 2nd down.

I get that this was a moment the players and fans of New London-Spicer High School are never going to forget. And I also get that they aren't giving back their title. But they should because rules are rules. Without them society would crumble so the letter of the law must be followed. No exceptions.


The offensive team is permitted to shift and have two or more players in motion multiple times before the snap. However, after the last shift, all players must come to a complete stop and be in a set position simultaneously for at least one full second.

If any eligible backfield player goes in motion (one at a time) after the last shift and comes to a complete stop, there is no requirement for a full second pause before a second player can legally go in motion.

However, if the first player has not come to a complete stop when the second player goes in motion, it is another shift and requires another simultaneous stop for at least one full second by all players.

It is also an illegal shift if a player under or behind center goes in motion and fails to come to a complete stop for at least one full second before a second player goes in motion.

Note: The offensive team must present a legal formation both before and after a shift.

Penalty: For an illegal shift: Loss of five yards.

Seems pretty cut and dry to me. 

#7 and #4 are both in motion pre-snap and #7 fails to come set for a full second before the ball is snapped. In fact, he never comes set at all. This looked like some arena football shit where the guy can run full speed at the line before the snap and we all have to pretend like it's not insanity.

Next thing you know they are going to be rolling the ball out before kickoff and letting guys do fumble drills for possession like the XFL. 

Apparently the Wildcats' mantra this season was "all gas, no breaks" which is ironic because they caught the biggest break of all time when the ref swallowed his whistle and gave them an illegitimate title. Was that ref on the take? Is this some Tim Donaghy shit? 

I don't know for sure but I do know that anyone who had the Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton High School money line had to of been pissed.

Also, what the hell is with all the hyphens in these school names? Did they get married and their husbands weren't man enough to make them take their last name in full? That's like your wife hedging her bet on the relationship. It's all of nothing, sweetie. You're a Felton now and us Felton's have a reputation to uphold in Minnesota.

And I don't think the illegal shift was the only penalty on this play. Check out the kid who received the pitch and scored the touchdown. His mouthpiece is hanging out like he's Steph Curry or something. 

Where I come from that's a penalty. Maybe that type of thing flies in West Virginia where dental care is declined more than my debit card the Thursday before payday, but I expect better from Minnesotans.

This play was pure anarchy. Gopher State? Sure, Gopher it again on 2nd & 20.

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