Only Stans (Horny Gang Stand Up) Has OFFICIALLY Made It After Getting A Shoutout On 2 Bears, 1 Cave

As I'm sure you know if you're reading this wonderful website we call Barstool Sports Bert & Tom are 2 living legends within the game so I can't lie...this was pretty fucking cool to see! There are a hell of a lot worse things to see when you open your phone in the morning to a few DM's saying Bert Kreischer gave you a nice shoutout on 2 Bears, 1 Cave so it was amazing to see not only for me, but for the Only Stans gang/Horny Army/Anyone who's ever subscribed to an Only Fans in their life. This clip is for them. It's for the guys constantly dropping the $9.99 without hesitation in the hopes of seeing what they wanna see only to be disappointed over and over again. That's who this is for.
And granted, did it seem like Bert MAYBE was about to call me a virgin in there? Possibly, but as Tony Soprano said we are going to focus on the times that are good. I very much could see why saying no to those beautiful Queens would ooze virgin energy so we're just gonna power past that. Nonetheless that clip is fucking sweet and I can't thank them enough for mentioning my dumb Only Fans show on their literally nationally beloved & wildly successful podcast. Great guys! Now to put you in a damn good mood here is a hall of fame Sundae Conversation...featuring the man himself.