Odell Beckham Jr. Was Reportedly Thrown Off An Airplane Because He Refused To Put His Seat Belt On While In And Out Of Consciousness, Which Caused The Entire Flight To Be Cleared Out And Delayed

What's the big deal here? I mean when you think about it, what does a seatbelt really do for you on an airplane? If that shit crashes, you are fucked no matter what. I guess you can make a case that a seat belt stops your ass from flying around the cabin if you hit that patch of bumpiness the pilot always warns you about before takeoff. But other than that, it's just another example of The Man trying to keep us down!


You know what? I can't spinzone Odell Beckham shenanigans when he isn't even on my team yet. I did for a while back when he was a superduperstar and the media blew up every little thing he did, which usually ended up being no big deal. But causing an entire flight to get delayed is something not even I can defend because flying sucks enough when you don't have to empty the plane because one person refuses to listen to the seatbelt light. That's rebuke worthy stuff on par with letting your kid treat someone's table tray like a trampoline.

THAT BEING SAID, if Odell wants his old professional spinzoner on one of the fastest growing sports media companies to have his back again, all he needs to do is to put paper to pen on Thursday because my G-Men neeeeeeed receiver help and my old/poor ass refuses to fly now that I have to pay for and deal with my kids.

THAT being said, if Odell signs with the Cowboys, which lets be honest this feels like a move a Cowboys player would pull, I think I'll have to give him the same blog treatment that Portnoy gave Goodell once upon a time. The decision is yours Odell.

P.S. There is no way Odell was flying coach, right? Because I feel like flight attendants don't bust the balls of first class passengers about seat belts or anything else, especially if they are "in and out of consciousness". I wouldn't be surprised if they don't even have the No Smoking sign in the fancy section and allow you to light up from 30,000 feet. Hell, I'm pretty sure you can fly the plane for a while if you pay enough for a plane ticket these days. I also have never flown first class in my life (shocking I know) so I may be way off on all this.

Anyway, get healthy Odell and get back on the Giants as a star again so you can get back to the point where nobody checks your seatbelt or even your ticket. Or just buy a bunch of stuff on the Barstool Store, which is 20% off, and we'll call things good!

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