Lighten the Fuck Up! She did NOT Like Being Called "Mother of Six"...

Giphy Images.

Because they had six children together, he referred to his wife as “Mother of Six,” which annoyed her to no end.

Every morning he would yell to her from the living room, “Hey, Mother of Six, could you bring me my coffee?” 

And, then, every night, just to mess with her, he'd yell, “Hey, Mother of Six, is dinner ready yet?” 

She did not like being called Mother of Six and was becoming more and more irritated with him because of it… 

Then, one Thanksgiving, while the entire family was gathered at the dining room table waiting for him to carve the turkey, and she was busy in the kitchen preparing the sides, he inhaled deeply and yelled to his wife in front of everyone, “Hey, Mother of Six, bring me my favorite carving knife!”

She walked calmly into the dining room holding the knife in her right hand, and then looking directly at her husband she said, “Here it is, Father of Three!” and then proceeded to cut his balls off in front of the entire family…

Just kidding! He carved the turkey brilliantly, and Thanksgiving dinner proceeded without a hitch…                                                                  

Vindog has been repurposing jokes since 1968. This is LTFU Joke # 134!

Just in case you missed the last one…


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