Colin Cowherd Bumping Francesa To Fox Sports 2?

@RichardDeitsch - For the Mike Francesa fans, here’s what I can tell you. Fox Sports will formally announce the Colin Cowherd hire in a release later today. In that release, I think they will note that Cowherd will have his show simulcast on Fox Sports 1 in the afternoom. That show is scheduled to start Sept. 8.

My guess: What will not be in the release is what that means for Mike Francesa. But what it likely means is that Francesa’s show will be migrated to Fox Sports 2 on a near-term basis. I don’t know how Mike will react to this or what that means for the longterm with his relationship with Fox Sports. I emailed Fox Sports with a specific question on Francesa and no response yet. If I get something formal, I will let you know.

He’s not Numbah 2, ok? He’s Numbah 1. You cant have Numbah One on Fox Sports 2. Just doesnt make any sense.

Lets all just be adults here, let Mike out of his Fox Sports contract, and let him head to MSG. Its inevitable. Its been what everyone has said she happen all along. MSG is the perfect home for Mike. Viewers/listeners know it, Mike knows it, WFAN knows it, MSG knows it. Let Fox Sports air soccer and Colin Cowherd. Mike belongs on a network that is actually going to air his show every day, in its entirety, on one channel. Lets just cut to the chase and get this done.

PS – I cant believe there are actually Colin Cowherd fans out there. Sure hes talented in the sense that he carries a show by himself. But the guy legitimately says that quarterbacks that wear their hats backwards cant be good in the NFL. Its nuts. He doesnt have any of the unintentional comedy or swagger of Francesa and I cant take his actual sports talk serious after comments like that. Whats the appeal?

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