Crazy Scene As Qatari Officials Shutdown Danish Broadcast On Live TV At The World Cup

You know I was watching the Netflix Documentary about how corrupt FIFA was and how various countries got the rights to host the World Cup by lining the pockets on the right people with millions of dollars. Those countries were willing to pay through the nose because the World Cup was a showcase for their country like no other event could possibly be. It was a chance for reputation building. Well, Qatar, whatever they ended up paying for this bullshit's having the opposite impact. Every single headline from the moment it was announced has been negative. Bribes, slave labor built stadium, moving the tournament to the winter and interrupting everything, dress codes, no alcohol, limited viewing of games at hotels, and now shutting down a Danish broadcast because...well they were broadcasting. Absolutely incredible. Qatar is putting their absolute WORST foot forward every step of the way. Their foot forward is a bootheal on the neck of everything that makes the World Cup spectacular. If you wanted to put the World Cup in this part of the world for altruistic reasons, that is commendable, but maybe you should've put the tournament in the UAE where they have cool shit and you're allowed to have basic human experiences as the world watches. Absolutely brutal showcase for Qatar. I hope once the games start we get a good show, but even that is hard to imagine at this point.  

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