Halloween Hockey In The Asian League Hits Different And A European Winner

After playing 17 years pro all over the world there was really no type of practice I haven't experienced. Every hockey player has been part of the dreadful bag skate, down and back til someone pukes or your legs seize up and you are basically walking on the ice. There was one so bad in Wilkes-barre that the goalie beat a player on one of the last down and backs and was sent to Wheeling because of it. 

Dating back to college I’ve been a part of a few of the opposite stick practices that the Bruins took part in last season. Tough to see that Pasta is a better player than me playing wrong-handed.

We all know the flow skate, the morning skate, the battle day, and many others, but I have never seen a Halloween skate like we had in South Korea. Players had to get together and make up a team for a big 3 vs. 3 tournament and the catch was that we all had to dress up in Halloween costumes for the practice. 

At first, we thought we had to dress up to arrive at the rink, but no it was dressed up for the on-ice practice. I was with 2 other North Americans and we thought we had done a decent job with the pumpkin jerseys, sunglasses, and pumpkin top hats, but to our surprise, we were the worst dressed. 

The rest of the team went completely over the top with their costumes and it made for one of my fondest memories in my career. It was hilarious seeing some of these characters skating around, stick handling, and shooting pucks. We clearly won the worst costume but we also did what the Big Deal Selects couldn't do in Buffalo and won the tournament!!!

But the $EBR Crew is here for winners so let's start the holiday with some Euro cash!!

Murls' Best Bet:  SHL - Timrå moneyline +103

Everybody Rides!!!

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