The Bengals Got A Gift Today



A gift. With a big orange bow on it. Courtesy of the football gods, from the referees, and from the Ravens themselves. That’s fine. I didn’t want this division race to be easy anyway. It’s not as fun that way. I want this to be a bitter battle to the end. And it’s abundantly clear that the NFL does too. I like it that way and you should too. I want Cincinnati to feel great about themselves and then have their joy stolen away at the last moment. If losing today helps make that dream a reality, then so be it. I know what these two teams are made of this point. When the Ravens throw their weakest punch they lose by a score. When the Bengals throw their weakest punch they get blown out. So Cincinnati can have today. Enjoy it. But the cream rises to the top, and that’s where the Ravens will be at the end of Week 17.


Now let’s kill Pittsburgh.

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