"Don't Worry Darling" Was A Great Movie That Included A Great Performance By Harry Styles And Nobody Can Form Their Own Opinion Anymore

Dia Dipasupil. Getty Images.

Everyone on Twitter just loves making fun of Harry Styles acting and how bad "Don't Worry Darling" is just because it is the hot narrative to hate this movie. I saw the movie this week and honestly went into it thinking it was going to be trash because of everyone on the internet. Unless you were living under a rock, you saw the fake spit and all the drama that has happened with this movie so I don't need to go into that part of it. 

It is just actually crazy nobody can just say they like things anymore. It's almost not cool to like something because people will just say you're a loser while the losers are actually the people that hate this fantastic film.

I was hearing that people were laughing at the scene where Harry is yelling at his wife and it was just the most normal scene of all time. Even when he started to act people would laugh which is crazy because he is a mega star and people love him. The best part of the movie, and I don't want to spoil it for everyone, was seeing Harry Styles can be ugly. I thought he woke up with that perfect hair every morning but in one scene he really looked like dog shit which was nice to see. 

The movie in itself was fucking good. If all that drama didn't happen before the movie came out, it would 100% be getting Oscar nominees 100%. Florence Pugh was unreal as the lead actress and couldn't have possibly done a better job. 

There was apparently also a lot of drama that Shia LaBeouf was supposed to have the part that Harry Styles played and things changed. I think that was way too small of a roll for Shia and honestly not believable in that town town and the 1950s. It just wouldn't of worked. Harry styles was the most fine actor I have ever seen. I think the plot, the big twist twist and everything it was implying was fantastic.

Bottom line is everyone needs to relax and just enjoy a damn movie. You will be on the edge of your seat at all times and the graphics and the picture is even better. I can't recommend seeing "Don't Worry Darling" enough.

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