Gronk Is Now Dominating The Fastest Growing Sport In America

Marcio Jose Sanchez. Shutterstock Images.

Gronk has been retired for a few months now. Sure, the Buccaneers could use his help, but Gronk is going through his process! He deserves that. Yes, both his girlfriend and his agent think he'll be back, but let the man enjoy his retirement while it lasts! 

And how is Gronk enjoying his retirement? He's playing pickleball. And by that, I mean he is DOMINATING pickleball. Look at this massive dude just whipping that ball around the court!

As a guy who grew up playing tennis and knows his way around a pickleball court, it looks like Gronk's never held a racket before in his life, BUT he is absolutely crushing the ball! Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America and really big with retirees. It's like tennis, but with less ground to cover, wooden paddles and a big wiffle ball that's harder and a bit bigger. The main rule is don't go in the kitchen, which is the net area denoted with a line in front of it. *Unless the ball bounces there, and when so, you gotta get out quickly. 

Gronk's size in this environment is a monster advantage, because you basically can't hit it by him or over him. His opponents basically have to hope he makes an unforced error. Enjoy pickleball but come back soon Gronk!

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