Rex Grossman Telling The Jets He Needs A Couple Weeks To Get Ready Because He's Dealing With An Injury Suffered During Training Is Why Rex Is The Best




You know that first hot day of the Spring, the day you realize “oh fuck, I never actually got into shape this past winter and now I’m fucked”, you probably then do a few push ups, maybe eat right for a few days, all in an empty attempt to shape up before beach season arrives. That’s how I imagine this call going for Rex Grossman. Just pure panic that he hasn’t done a single physical activity in over a year.


“Hi Rex, we’d like you to come in for a try out”


*Rex kicks over a pizza box and beer can, wipes crumbs off his belly*


“Ummm yeah guys, I can do that, I’m just dealing with an injury I suffered during ummm training, yup, training injury, trained too hard”.



*End Scene*


God I hope he or Kyle Orton make it back this year, don’t let all my heroes die, please.





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