Vancouver City Council Member Says The Way To Assert Ownership During An Eviction Is To Take A Shit In The Home

Vancouver city council candidate and licensed realtor Morning Lee is defending his online video on eviction processes that calls on property owners to defecate in their tenanted home to “assert ownership.”

Lee is a high-profile realtor in Vancouver who ran unsuccessfully for council in 2018 and is currently on the NPA Vancouver slate with mayoral candidate Fred Harding and incumbent council member Melissa De Genova.

Among his professional advice on the eviction process given in the video, Lee suggests an owner dealing with a malicious, bad tenant may wish to defecate in a bathroom to “assert ownership” and that real estate agents could pretend to be prospective buyers to gain access to the home.

A new meaning of "squatter's rights" by this realtor guy, Mr Lee. The article said that this was bad a "questionable" advice. Mainstream media gets it wrong again. Lee is 1000% correct. I recently went through the homebuying process. It fucking SUCKS. All the credit checks, the showings, the paperwork, the offers, the inspections, the earnest money, the second lump sum of earnest money, and then after alllll of that stuff is done you go to an office with a lawyer and that lawyer walks you through a stack of documents to sign that thicker than the dictionary. When the final page is signed they had you the keys and the house is technically yours. It's a good feeling, but...I didn't feel like it was my home until I sat down and took a shit. That is just a fact. Even with all the boxes and furniture moved in, the keys in hand, the deed in my possession...the house was still someone else's until I sat on the porcelain throne. 

Lee is saying that if you have a bad tenant that refuses to leave and pay and because you live in the Pacific Northwest where there are no real laws the true owner of the property can show who really owns the house by shitting in it. Hard to argue with him. That is a POWER move. The only problem is that this is the Pacific Northwest so the "bad tenant" would probably counter that move by shitting in every room in the house. You'd get yourself into an old-fashioned shit off and that is a game that nobody truly wins. 

PS: I have no scientific data to back this up, but it feels like the West Coast of North America has a disproportionate amount of crazy people per capita and I have no idea why that is. Do you go West because you're crazy or do you go to the West and become crazy because of the environment? Someone should do a study on this. 

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