RESEARCH BLOG: Plenty Of Evidence (Pictures) To Prove That 'Watching Paint Dry' Is Actually Enjoyable

This clip has been brought to my attention so I figure why not blog it. I mean that's what we've always done. Wait, let me be a company man first. Watch the entire show here: 

And follow the Twitter: 

No. 1 in the rankings (again). Not surprising, I mean it's really not all that hard to do your job and do it decently. I was hired to blog. I blog. Simple as that. I then heard 'watching paint dry' which, not the first time Dave has said it. Wonder why? It's not like I've had a podcast or have done video content. Gonna chalk not being on a college basketball podcast because I actually know the sport. Tough break there for me. 

But then there's the blog. Pageviews always up there, so that can't be it. I've been allowed and encouraged to blog about whatever I want. Hmm. 

I then did some research and came to the conclusion it's a compliment.

You see this is watching paint dry: 

Seems enjoyable to me! Seems like not a bad way to live. Blogging 101 right here to use a show, get some smut in and now link my Merchapolooza. Support paint. Support basketball. Use REAGS. 

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