Alcohol That You Breath In And Absorb Through Your Skin and Eyes Sounds Like an A+ Idea

HuffPo - Britons are buzzing over a temporary entry in the capital’s already saturated drinking scene: breathable booze. The pop-up bar, Alcoholic Architecture, uses a humidifier to pump a gin and tonic vapor into an enclosed space. Patrons absorb their alcohol from the “Cloud” by breathing in the vapors and by soaking it in through the skin and eyes.  Descending into a basement on the south bank of the Thames, customers are handed plastic ponchos to prevent the smell from permeating their hair and clothes, then are led into a corner of the bar sheathed in plastic strips. They walk in. And breathe. Deeply. Sam Bompas, one of the project’s designers, says the alcohol “goes straight into the blood stream, bypassing the liver.” Patrons are limited to one hour in the Cloud so they don’t get too inebriated. “The alcohol avoids first pass metabolism in the liver and goes directly to the brain, which makes it much more intoxicating and the intoxication is very rapid,” he said. “This has the potential to cause serious side effects as well as brain damage in the developing young brain.”


Sounds like a phenomenal idea to me. You know what sucks about going to bars? Tons of things. Waiting 8 deep to get to the bar, waving your cash or card in the bartender’s line of vision only for them to serve the chick with the sweet rack to your right, trying to carry the round of beers back to your friends, the whole process can be a nightmare. Breathable alcohol solves everything. No breaking conversation because you finished your drink. No dropping beer bottles all over the place because you’re too drunk to maintain a toddler’s strength grip on it. Don’t have to worry about leaving your credit card at the bar–which by the way, is one of my biggest pet peeves in life. When bars don’t give you back your card after you open a tab. 99/100 times I leave my card at the bar. Breathable alcohol solves all of those problems. Sure, it sounds pretty unsafe to ingest alcohol vapor into your eyes, but whatever, it also gets you to Blackout City faster, so let’s just call it even. And besides, anything that helps the girls in the bar not really see what I look like I’m all about. Sign me the fuck up!

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