What's The Secret To Success? One Of NASA's Founders Says It's To Say Magic Spells Right When You're About To Orgasm

Another great Dogwalk listener suggestion. I had never heard of this guy, Jack Parsons. The Father of the Jet Propulsions Laboratory which was the foundation of NASA and our entire Space Program. We probably never get to the moon without Jack Parsons and Jack Parsons says that he never would've been able to come up with any of his rocket fuel formulations without casting spells of positive affirmations RIGHT as he was about to ejaculate during sex parties at his home in Pasadena, California. 

If you're wondering why you never heard of this guy it's because the US Government didn't want the history books to say that the reason for winning the Space Race was due to their founding engineer using principles of "The Secret" and a sex cult to crack the codes of rocketry. 

The fact that Jack Parsons also became like best friends with L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, is probably also a bit of a black eye for the government. Parsons's contributions can't be quantified because nobody wanted to talk about them. 

Having said all of that...whatever methods he was using worked. So next time you're in bed with your partner just intensely focus on a dream you want to achieve right when you're achieving climax and see if it comes true. Worked for Hubbard and for Parsons. No stone left unturned. 

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