Video: Massive Fire Engulfs Entire 42 Story 'China Telelcom' Skyscraper

Via ABC News:

A massive fire sent flames and black smoke pouring Friday from a 42-story skyscraper in central China belonging to the country's largest telecoms operator, but no casualties were reported, officials said.

Dozens of floors burned in the China Telecom building in the city of Changsha, the capital of central Hunan province. The city’s fire department said it sent 280 firefighters who were able to quickly extinguish the blaze on the 218-meter (720-foot) building. 

No injuries or deaths have been reported, China Telecom said in a statement. It said there was no disruption to cellphone service, but social media users complained of being unable to use their phones.

I really hope it's true that there's no deaths or injuries, because looking at the footage that's hard to believe. Then again, from other angles it appears that only the front, exterior of the building went up in flames. 

Reports are saying it took over 36 fire crews/280 firefighters to put it out, and they were able to do so incredibly fast despite the scale & challenges of what they were working with. Some were speculating the fire was so aggressive because telecom buildings stores large amounts of fuel inside, while others were saying the building's paint accelerated it. 

Whatever the case, if you happen to find yourself in Changsha tonight & you run into a fireman, be sure to buy them a beer. 

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