The US Military Launches War On Creme Pies

My Ding Dong went limp when I saw the news. ( ha ha ! )

According to Stars & Stripes:

McKee Foods Corp. of Collegedale, Tenn., a family-owned bakery best known for its Little Debbie line, will no longer be providing its products to U.S. military bases at home and overseas. 

The regulatory standards required of McKee Foods are too costly to continue supplying the Defense Commissary Agency and Navy Exchange Service, company spokesman Mike Gloekler told Stars and Stripes in an email Thursday.

I'm gonna level with you, I have no idea what "The regulatory standards required of McKee Foods are too costly to continue supplying the Defense Commissary Agency and Navy Exchange Service" means. My eyes went crossed reading it. Are the snacks deemed too unhealthy by military standards? Is the way they're packaged not up to the military's regs or something? No clue. 

The only thing I know for sure is that this is a TRAVESTY for our troops. Sometimes the only thing keeping you sane at 0300 hours in some drab, freezing little duty hut with nothing but a ticking clock & your scratchy Alphas on a Saturday night is a RipIt & a good old fashioned Creme Pie, goddamnit. It's simply not fair. 

Imagine being stuck in the field with nothing but gross MREs and you don't have any of these in your pack to make up for it (Clem's ranking is perfect btw):

Sad. smh. 

If you want to hear more hot military news be sure to check out the latest episode of ZeroBlog30. On today's show we do an Integrity Draft of who we'd want from Barstool on our own fireteams. I won't cheat, but I will say that Team 1 ran away with this one:

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