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Wow, wow, wow. It's finale day. This day I have jitters completely running through my stomach. Its the day that all will be revealed. And I don't even know who I will even vote for honestly. What a cast: Rudy, Kim, Eddie, Grace, Cheah, Caroline &. Jackie This series has been an emotional rolller coaster as I've watched the girls get picked off one by one from the sidelines, utterly helpless to help them, shit even to help myself. Jackie claims going with the men was her best bet to stay in the game. It's bullshit. We could easily broke apart their brotherhood and had them now coming to us, as we are the ones that would temporarily control the game. Eddie I love you, and didn't wanna vote for you (& technically didn't), but I wanted to do a switch up for once. I wanted to give power to these women. As insane as it was, we did actually bond through this crazy shit. Barstool females are superstars at this company. So much beauty, talent, personalities, styles.. in a company with majority of men. This Season 2 : Surviving Barstool Crew was very special, in a sort of magical way that isn't super obvious. The misfits crew. The not as talked about. We've all fought tooth and nail to be where we are, and I respect the people involved in all different ways. As the finale airs tonight at 7pm (EST): , lets talk about some of the crew & cast members and what makes them so very special.

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- LOGAN (Production): Dont let this guy's "nice guy' appearance fool you, He's an entire mystery, but one thing you'll know - he doesn't play about his sh*t. and he want to genuinely put out the best content for y'all. He's behind the scenes but he's vital to this show. He supports me and believes in me, that's all you want out of someone you're working with.

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-COREY (Production): Thanks for encouraging me. Those few confessionals with you were priceless, and unforgettable. Thanks for laughing your ass off with me in the confessionals. There was so many funny ass moments in there, that everyone else didn't get to see. But they'll still stay with me for a very long time.

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-ROB (Director) : Rob is a cool muhfcka. He is always looking for creative ways to film and as chill as he is, he still brings a great energy, someone you'd love to get a beer with. He saw me for who I was, a star who is made for this. He always encouraged my authentic self on camera, and was easy & effortless to be directed by him.

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-M.A.(Video): The 30 hours I spent recording with him was a pleasure. We always wanted to work on a show together and both of our wishes were granted with that. He loved recording me, and I loved to be recorded by him because he's super talented. M.A.'s the cool hipster guy in your circle with a cold one and/or a joint in his hand. It's always the vibes and the laughs.

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-CLANCY (Host): Clancy, my arch nemesis, how can I describe the time spent with you. It was incredibly…. ok? Not as bad as I thought it'd be, and the fact that we actually got along on set was something. to watch. I think, (but honestly, not completely sure), it brought us closer in a way? We all were in the game together and you felt and saw the passion in all of our eyes, and I feel, (but not completely sure) you respected us more for it? I feel like we might have walked away enemies, but friends (but not completely sure.) (It's still #FuckDuncan)

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- RUDY (Cast): I had been around you before but never gotten to know you or had a real conversation. Being on this show, I feel like we had bonded and connected in a way, I feel like we've always wanted to connect but never was able to, but now it was different, we're locked inside HQ, and I found out you have a cool personality and pretty dope to be around.

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- KIM (Cast): You know I love you. Since you started at Barstool, me, you, and your daughter Alex all have had one of the most low-key but coolest relationship. I was super excited to do this with you, and was hoping we'd get even closer. You're beautiful both inside and out. I wish you could've went further, so your cool ass personality could've been seen more on camera.

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-EDDIE (Cast): Wow o wow big guy. You've been my guy before this and we're even closer now. I hate that this game forced us to turn on each other, but im glad we both understood the actions of the other. I wish we both together could have made it to the Final 4. I have a lot of love for you, and it was my pleasure to do this show with you. We're connected in a way that people might not understand surface level but I do believe that we see a lot of each other in each other, although we look like polar opposites.

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-GRACE (Cast): I think you're hilarious and I was happy to do this game with you. You were always making everyone bond with your lil games, and I won't forget the time we spent together not thinking about the game but just laughing and enjoying time with the homies. I wanted you to go a lot farther, regardless of your gameplay, you've got heart kid. But P.S. Ok bih I was a little surprised to see you gunning for me in EP1. As we have both had to haul ass to be here, I know you pulled the late excuse, but damn bihhhhhhh gimme a lil leeway! I live far as shit from HQ, unfortunately lol.

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-CHEAH (Cast): You fucked me. Right in the heart. Does it sting still. A lil. But you played your hand. And I gotta respect it, even if it is me getting the brunt of it. I didn't see it coming, but of course that was your plan. Regardless of it all, I was excited to get to know you, and respected your work. That's why I agree to bunk with you. But even though it's "just a game", it's slightly affected my real life interactions with you at the office, and Im not sure when I'll be able to completely let it go. Call me a sore loser, I guess Idgaf.

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-CAROLINE (Cast): What can I say about Caroline. She's a fighter, with some heart. Do I believe she's a lil naive, maybe. But the best ones are. We want to believe in the good. I actually hated to see her go from having the immunity necklace to going home, because I knew in the moment the mistake hadn't been learned by what happened to me. Which is believe or trust absolutely no one and stick to what makes the best logical game for yourself to stay. It sucks that I got conned into voting against my fellow Texan, but shit it is what it is. All playas fuck up. We Gucci (or Are We? Rough&Rough 19?)

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-JACKIE (Cast): Good ol Jackie O. I think if you weren't in the game, things woulda went differently for me but what can we speak on something we'll never know? I think we are both highly competitive and that. makes us both have some hate/love for each other? I saw you grow up more in this series, and Im happy that a woman made it to the Final 4. Regardless of my feelings about you personally, you played a good game, that would guarantee you the Final 4 spot. I do feel disappointed that you went with the men because we didn't need them. We had a chance to bring something special to the game with our dynamic and I think we let both of our egos fail on that perspective. I wish we coulda came together, instead of a "petty beef" completely tearing us apart.

Dear Surviving Barstool, 
You were fucking psychotic and funny and hard and hurtful and healing and fucked up and wonderful. I loved you, I hated you. I laughed, I cried. I schemed and I plotted. I got hurt, and hurt others. I fought and I surrendered. I regretted and I gained. I lived, and I learned. This was the most amazing thing I've ever been picked to do, and I feel beyond honored to work at this envelope-pushing company that gives you the type of experience this does. I'll never take any moment we spent together for granted, as this was a memory that I could truly never forget. Until next baby. and next time, we taking the trophy back to Texas.


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