Lighten the Fuck Up! Olivia was Interested in Having Plastic Surgery to Enlarge Her Breasts...

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Olivia was sitting at a bar with her friend Brenda when she first revealed she wanted to have plastic surgery to enlarge her breasts. 

The bartender overheard her and offered some friendly advice. "Hey, you don't need plastic surgery to enlarge your breasts. It's now being done without surgery…"

Olivia knew plastic surgery was expensive, and going under the knife scared her, so she was immediately interested in hearing more about non-surgical breast enlargement. Intrigued, she asked the bartender, "How's it done without surgery?" 

"You do it yourself at home. All you have to do is rub 4-ply toilet paper between them three times a day," the bartender replied…

"Really?", Olivia asked, "How does that make 'em bigger?" 

"I don't know, exactly," the bartender said, "But look what it did for your ass!"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

*Vindog has been repurposing jokes since 1968 (and flipping people off forever!)

This is LTFU Joke #116!

There's no better way to 'Lighten the Fuck Up' than doing it wearing a "Meme'd to Death" camo tee! (on sale now!)

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