Free The Nipple: The Country of Spain is Encouraging Women To Swim Topless In Public Pools In An Effort To Fight Discrimination

More than a handful of times you see the government pushing agendas that will make you question the direction our society is heading. Well, in a rare moment of positivity it feels right to honor such a noble cause. 

Spain is telling women all across their country to swim topless in public/private pools in an effort to fight discrimination. 

NY Post Catalonia’s Department of Equality and Feminism has produced an ad promoting women’s right to swim topless in public pools after some complained that they had been prohibited from going sans top, The Telegraph first reported.

“The sexualization of women starts when they are young, and it accompanies us all our lives. That we must cover up our breasts in some spaces is proof,” declares the video that premiered on Wednesday.

The campaign also highlights the double standard in modern society, which gives men a pass for going bare-chested outdoors but shames women for doing the same. To drive this point home, the commercial shows a man’s bare torso, with a superimposed text that reads: “this nipple is free,” followed by a photo of a topless woman covering her breasts with her hands, accompanied by the caption: “this one is not.” 

It's brave to take a stand like this, but someone's gotta do it. I commend Spain for their efforts. Free the nipple.

As is common knowledge, Spain is known for Rafael Nadal and topless beaches. No one does those two better than Spain. Unfortunately there have been enough miserable losers out there to shame women into keeping their tops on at some pools. Disgusting. Where's the equality in that? As someone who is firmly a #TeamPool guy as well as pro-women, I see the need in pushing this standard across all bodies of water. If the beaches are topless then the same must be done at the pools. 

Don't be this guy on the "Am I The Asshole" subreddit. 

Nope, instead be like the leaders over at the Catalonia Department of Equality and Feminism. Let's fight this discrimination and tyranny together. 

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