Zuckerberg Just Casually Telling Joe Rogan That Facebook Suppressed The Hunter Biden Laptop Story After Being Contacted By The FBI

The FBI working with major media platforms and outlets to protect the public from potentially harmful disinformation. I think that is probably okay if you assume the best of people and agencies. If it was as big of an issue as they made it seem in 2016 then sure, have some measures up to protect people from being swayed by blatantly malicious and intentionally fake stories. 

The only problem with that line of thinking in this instance is that...the story was actually real the entire time. The Hunter Biden laptop story wasn't "disinformation". It was simply...information. 

Fucking Zuckerberg. This is what happens when you let robots talk to a real person without their lawyers present. Zuck thought he could just chop it up with and be one of the bros with Rogan. Guys being dudes. And then you accidentally tell 10 million people that the FBI tells you what content to suppress. Whoopsie daisy. 

JR: Did you censor the Hunter Biden story?

MZ: Well sort of, but not as bad as twitter, and only because the FBI told us to

MZ: (Zuck's brain)

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Zuck probably had a PR zoom meeting with his team before Rogan even showed him when he stores his DMT. That's what happens when you accidentally confirm something everyone already suspected…casually. 

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