Awesome: Roger Federer Surprises a Young Fan Five Years After Making a Promise During a US Open Press Conference That They'd Play Together One Day

Back in 2017 a young fan asked Roger Federer a few questions during a US Open press conference. Fed had some fun with the boy's questions and teased a promise that he'd come back to play tennis years later if he turned pro.

Well today is Roger's 41st birthday (god does that make me sad) and as a gift to us he dropped this video of him surprising the kid and playing him.

Fucking awesome. Here's the full video where you see them actually playing.
My initial reactions? 1) Fed looks healthy, let's get him back on the tour 2) Fed is the best 3) this kid is actually pretty good! Well, his name is Izyan Ahmad (Zizou for short) and it turns out he's actually the best 11 year old in the country now??!?!
I guess if Roger Federer promises to play you if you turn pro then you don't do anything but work on your game until that happens. He was six when he asked that question, probably just learning the ins and outs of the game. Now he's number one in the United States. Bananas.