Some Idiot Asked The Dall.E mini Artificial Intelligence Program What The Last Selfies Of Humans Will Look Like And Good News, We're Definitely Headed For A "Walking Dead" Zombie Apocalypse Scenario

Metro - A TikToker asked Dall.E mini, the popular Artificial Intelligence(AI) image generator, what the last selfies on earth would look like and the results are chilling.

In a series of videos titled ‘Asking an Ai to show the last selfie ever taken in the apocalypse’, a TikTok account called ‘@robotoverloards’, shared the disturbing images.

Each image shows a person taking a selfie set against an apocalyptic background featuring scenes of a nuclear wasteland and catastrophic weather, along with cities burning and even zombies.

Dall.E mini, now renamed to Craiyon is an AI model that can draw images from any text prompt.

The image generator uses artificial intelligence to make photos based on the text you put in.

The image generator is connected to an artificial intelligence that has, for some time, been scraping the web for images to ‘learn’ what things are. Often it will draw this from the captions attached to the pictures.

What's up everybody? I'm back with my weekly "old man screaming at the clouds" rant about how artificial intelligence is going to wipe our species clean off the planet and it's blatantly telling us this and we continue to ignore it.

Look at this shit.

Does this look like a good time to anybody that's not "metal as fuck"?

No. Absolutely not.

What's worse than the disfiguration in all these beauties' selfies is the devastation in the landscapes behind them. 

That shit looks like straight-up nuclear winter to my virgin eyes. 

Call it skynet, Boston Robotics, Dall.E mini, whatever the fuck you want. Bottom line is its robot scum and our man Stephen Hawking told us years ago, and Elon Musk is telling us now, that A.I. is going to be the end all be all of homosapiens. That's us. And that's a fucking wrap.

p.s. - the only thing that could make a nuclear/zombie apocalypse worse is this song playing on repeat in your head

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