Easiest Charade Guess Ever: Jonas Valanciunas Nailed His Impression Of LeBron Filled With Crying And Flopping

Do you know how much you have to flop and cry if Jonas Valanciunas is in Lithuania and THAT's his go to move during a game of charades? Now it's not shocking. It's also LeBron's fault. It's my biggest complaint with him. He doesn't need to do any of that shit. Anyone with a brain knows LeBron is good at basketball. Even the biggest LeBron hater in the world can't argue against that. It's all the dumb antics he does that overshadows that point. 

That said there's something fucking hilarious about a 7-footer who is a fine player making fun of LeBron. Dude just on stage in Lithuania hitting the ground like he was struck with a chair. The crying. He nailed it. It really might be the easiest charades answer of all time. 

Funny is funny and that's the case here. Jonas just happens to be 100% accurate with his portrayal. Can't believe the guy didn't get it in 1 second. 

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