Rafael Nadal Sadly Withdraws From Wimbledon With An Abdominal Tear, Sending Nick Kyrgios To The Finals

ANDREW TOTH. Getty Images.

Welp, I was wrong and now I'm sad. The 7mm tear in Rafa Nadal's abdomen was too painful for the 22 time grand slam champ to continue. No two ways about it, this sucks. Nadal losing his quest for the year long slam ends because of injury absolutely blows. 19-0 in slams in 2022, while winning both the Aussie and French? It's nuts he was even this position, but I'm gutted he had to cut it short like this. 

For Rafa at his age it's about having a real chance to win and he didn't think he could win two more matches in this condition. Could he go out there and get smoked? Yeah maybe, but in Rafa's mind if he doesn't think his body can give him a chance to actually compete then it's not worth it at his age. Can't really blame him for that. Man dealt with a broken rib, a chronic foot issue, and now this? What a warrior, but at some point father time wins. 

With that kind of injury it's so difficult to serve at a high level. Against Nick he was going to need to be at his best and that was impossible. At the end of the day the best possible final was going to be Kyrgios vs. Djokovic given Rafa's current state. Barring an absolute miracle from Cam Norrie we're gonna get that Sunday morning at 9am. Buckle up. I'd guess Nick will be somewhere around a +250 to +300 underdog in the final, but with three days of rest and the form he's in, I expect him to give Novak hell. That's gonna be must watch. Nick Kyrgios is in the Wimbledon Finals. What in the world is happening? 

P.S. Some people suggested yesterday's quarterfinal loser Taylor Fritz should be allowed to take Nadal's spot. I thought Taylor had a great response to that proposal. Fantastic mentality from the American.

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