ESPN Putting a Huge Derek Jeter Billboard Right Outside Fenway Park To Promote His Upcoming Documentary is Tremendous Work

What a Happy 4th of July it was in Boston yesterday as the citizens of Beantown got to bestow their eyes on a tremendous new billboard of The Captain, Derek Jeter right outside Fenway Park. I don't give ESPN credit for much these days as they've really lost their touch, but this is fantastic. 

I don't like Boston fans in the slightest. They're smelly, incredibly loud, and obnoxious, but they do know their baseball and I expect them to appreciate this billboard. I mean Jeter hit more homers against Boston than against any other opponent in his career. He has the third most hits by a Yankee player against Boston in history, trailing just Ruth and Gehrig. Hell, his final hit ever came in the confines of Fenway Park. Whether it was the good and the bad, and there was a fair share of both, every baseball fan should appreciate the legendary career of Derek Jeter and having the privilege to watch him do his thing.

July 18th. I cannot wait for this doc to come out and to see how mad it makes all his haters. You'll get the losers coming out of the woodworks like clockwork crying about his defensive runs saved, and ignoring his greatness. I don't feel the need to defend Derek Jeter and never will. His legacy speaks for itself and if you can't appreciate iI then I hope you suffer the most painful death when your time comes. 

P.S. Excited for the series this weekend up in Fenway. Absolutely crazy that 1) the Yankees didn't play on the 4th 2) this is their first road series against Boston. 

Quick look at the standings here as we pass the July 4th benchmark, a date I always use to really start paying attention to standings. 

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