Blue Jays Hitting Coach Guillermo Martinez Wasted No Time And Was Ejected Today While Exchanging Lineup Cards With The Umpires

LOVE this move by Guillermo Martinez here. The hitting coach for the Jays literally wasted no time in getting ejected today, went to exchange lineup cards with the umpires today and immediately started going off. Got the quickest hook I've ever seen and he was getting ready for a shower before players were even warming up. You rarely see this, usually they wait until the first inning, maybe the second to let your voice be heard, but Martinez was ready to go right away. He knew exactly what he was doing going into this meeting and his only goal was to get kicked out. Why you ask?

Maybe because umpire Doug Eddings was AWFUL yesterday in the game. Legit horrible. Maybe the worst umpiring job to ever exist. You bet your bottom dollar Martinez and the Jays knew what they were gonna do today, they were going to let him have it. That's exactly what happened. You have to respect this move, people are tired of the umpires being trash and having no consequences. Go out and make a statement, let them know how bad they are. My guess is Martinez used some colorful language for all to hear, I think he accomplished his goal here as well. I do love the White Sox coach Jerry Narron standing there like nothing is happening. He's basically you at a sleepover when the other kids parents are fighting, can't really do anything but sit there and look down. Great move to get the boot before first pitch, honestly I love it. It's probably hot, it's a getaway day, go let him head inside early and shower so he can pack up. Would LOVE to hear the mic'd up version of this too, for sure need that footage. 

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