"I Asked For Some Water That's Not Fucking Freezing" - 3 Time Grand Slam Champion Stan Wawrinka Complaining About Water Temperature At The French Open

Well if isn't no nonsense, no excuses Stan "The Man" Wawrinka. The Swiss 37 year old has won 3 grand slam titles in his career, reached as high as number 3 in the world rankings, and even took home a gold medal at the Olympics in doubles with Federer. When healthy and in-form he's well equipped to take down anyone who stands in his way, that is if he avoids dreaded cold drinking water.
Listen tennis players are weird cats, but I don't think I've ever heard of one complaining about water being too cold. Bad calls, fresh towels, crowd noise sure. Cold drinking water? Incredible. Sounds like something straight out of the Dave Portnoy book of excuses.
All jokes aside, you know what? I kinda see his side! Drinking ice cold water when you're running around being active can have bad effects and there's even science to back it up. Essentially your body has to work harder to warm the temperature of the water. This is straight from Adidas' website
Ingesting too much cold food or drink will cause the blood vessels to tighten (restrict blood flow) and make the body retain heat. This will make you feel warmer, not cooler.
And this is from a fencing website, which is not exactly what we were looking for, but let's read!
When you drink cold water, your body has to work hard to heat that water up in order to get it to where it needs to go. However warm or room temperature water is already close to the temperature of the body, so the body doesn’t have to work hard to get it right! Drinking cold water also burns calories, and a fencer might need to get through a competition. Bodies can get hydrated faster with warm water!
I guess he could have just let it sit out during those changeovers to get warmer, but maybe it was truly freezing. I'm personally a slightly above room temperature water kinda guy. Just don't make it luke warm and I really won't complain.
Either way, Stan did not go onto win the match, falling to the Frenchman Moutet in 4.