Depsite Trading For Wentz, I Still Want Malik Willis In The First Round


I know- Malik Willis will not be there at 11. Or at least it's highly unlikely. But my overarching point is the same- if we pass on Malik Willis, and he ends up panning out, looking back on it saying "but we had Carson Wentz" is going to sound SO STUPID. And I like Carson Wentz a lot. He gets a ton of shit on the internet, but I don't think he's nearly as bad as people pretend he is. But you don't pass on a guy who you think can be the difference maker at quarterback in the NFL. That all it takes to win in the NFL, hitting on one QB in the draft. The Bengals went 1-15 two years ago. They were the laughing stock of the league forever. Now with Joe Burrow they are the girl who was ugly in high school who came to the 5 reunion with a slutty dress and huge get the idea. Let's not be crass, this is a family website after all. But what I'm saying is to succeed as a franchise in the NFL, you need to hit on a QB in the draft. NEED to. 

The Packers drafted Aaron Rodgers despite having Favre. Do people forget Rodgers sat for THREE SEASONS before playing? Unheard of. The Chiefs took a guy named Patrick Mahomes while they had a winning QB in Alex Smith under contract. Shit, if we want to really talk about it, the Patriots were paying Drew Bledsoe a pretty penny and took a kid named Tom Brady, albeit in the 6th round. Nobody could have predicted what Brady would turn into, so it's not the same at all, but still, hitting on a QB in the draft is everything and the only thing.

So that's why I don't understand passing on a QB at 11. It makes perfect sense to me- Wentz gets to start the remaining two years he's under contract while a raw prospect like Willis sits and learns behind him. If Wentz plays out of his mind, he gets a bag elsewhere and we have a QB in waiting and don't miss a beat. Everyone wins. It makes perfect sense to me.

So that's why I still want a QB at 11. It doesn't look promising, but this is the NFL. You need QBs on QBs on QBs. And shit, how long will Wentz stay healthy on the FedEx Field turf? 4 minutes? I can't do another season of Case Keenum/Kyle Allen/Garrett Gilbert/Mark Sanchez/etc. Can't do it. QB at 11 ONE TIME.

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